With decades of experience in wood making, IP strives for quality and elegant aesthetic values. All wood floors are made in Italy by craftsmen under strict rules of manufacturing process, and are made from ‘Slavonian Oak’, which is among the best wood in the world used for producing high quality floorings with stable performance. All woods used are 100% FSC certified.

IP has built a strong presence in Europe and Asia, and is one of the market leaders in prestigious wood flooring (both engineered & handmade). What makes IP stand out? It has exquisite craftsmanship, highly personalized production capacity, and the technology to produce all Pantone colors. There are very few factories globally who is capable of producing any Pantone color onto wooden floors, and IP is one of them.

These exquisite production techniques make IP’s wooden floor design and color more chic, fashionable and diverse.

Main Distinctive Features:

  • All products comply to CE standards
  • FSC 100%
  • Sanitized surface (antibacterial)
  • Engineered flooring has 7 coats of patented UV / natural oil / oxidative oil finish:
    –   Protect flooring from scratches
    –   High water and cold liquids resistant
         (*handmade series can be made for bathroom floor application and as console)
    –   Enhances finish stability and durability of color
  • Fire resistance EN 13501-1 Class CFL-S1
  • Formaldehyde Class E1 (*formaldehyde emission level of .10 parts per million – extremely low rate)
  • Easy care or maintenance

IP 意大利木地板

Italiana Parquet (IP) 是個國際專業高端木地板品牌, 對於木材生產及研究已有過百年歷史。品牌採用 100% 歐洲著名的頂級木材「斯拉夫尼亞橡木」(Slavonian Oak), 是生產高性能地板的最佳木材之一。所有原木材料都經過國際性 FSC 森林標準認證。由天然木材的取材至加工成形全部由 IPF 管理及控制, 確保製造出最穩定及持久耐用的高質素木地板。

IP 這品牌在歐洲行內知名度甚高, 是設計師, 建築師, 積師及追求優質品味客戶的恩物。其優勢在於精緻的手工加工工藝, 個性化定製產能, 及擁有生產所有 Pantone 顏色的技術。在全球, 能把任何 Pantone 顏色搬到木地板上的工廠寥寥可數, 而 IP 就是其中一間。

這些精湛的生產技術不再受傳統的生產限制, 令 IP 的木地板設計及顏色比其他品牌更具品味, 更時髦, 更多樣化。


  • CE 認證
  • 木材均獲得國際性 FSC 森林標準認證
  • 木地板表面經 ISO 消毒測試, 具抑菌效果
  • 實木複合地板表面具 7 層高性能專利 UV / 天然油 / 氧化油飾面塗層 :
    –   有效保護木地板不易受磨損及侵蝕
    –   高效防水、防污性強 (*手工系列經特別加工後亦可用於浴室地板)
  • 歐盟防火等級標準 EN 13501-1 中 CFL-S1
  • 甲醛量符合 EN13986 中 Class E1 (*合符國際標準甲醛指數)
  • 木地板護理簡易, 只需使用中性清潔劑作日常清潔保養便可


Bespoke | Exclusive | Elegant


獨特製定 | 高貴優雅

The technique to manufacture wood flooring with any pantone color and innovative patterns. You can customize texture, glossiness and water resistance, as well as embedding metallic or leather materials into hardwood.



Technologically Advanced | Long-lasting | Competitive

The SMART SOLUTION collection consists of 2-3 layered floors – with 7 layers of UV coating, natural/oxidative oil finish, or wax effect finish.


先進技術 | 持久耐用

SMART SOLUTION 系列有兩至三層的復合地板選擇 – 含 7 層高性能專利 UV / 天然油 / 氧化油飾面塗層。


Solid Wood | Outdoor

